Sunday 17 November 2013

IELTS Task 1: Domestic access to modern technology in the UK

The graph shows that the usage of modern technology in the UK increased between 1996 and 2003. The most popular was CD player which usage rose from about 60 in 1996/96 to about 84 percent in 2002/03. There was a steady rise of usage of home computer as well. The increase was from about 28 at the beginning of showed period of time to more than 50 % in 2002. More rapid growth of access to the Internet was seen between 1998/99 and 2002/03. Before 1998/99 there was no Internet and, what is obvious, no usage of it. At the beginning of 1999 10% of homes was able to use it but at the end of 2002 this number increased to about 45%. In 1996 less people used mobile phones then home computers. The trend was the same to the second half of 1999. In that time was seen significant increase of access to mobile phones and more of them was in use then home computers. Between 1999 and 2003 the usage of mobiles gradually increased. 

174 words

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